Our Services

Diversionary Work

network equipment

When services need to be moved, Benchmark Fibre Solutions should be your first port of call.

Nothing stays the same in technology. This means it is common for the way in which a service was originally built to require modification, or even to be moved. Rest assured, Benchmark is experienced in Diversionary Work and is on hand to divert and update current networks, always minimising downtime for live customers.

Whilst the required diversions take place, we will assist as much as possible in in any planned outages or re-splicing to new or temporary locations. We endeavour to ensure that any affected customers are back online in the shortest time possible and with minimal disruption.

Our Client Testimonials

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To discuss the needs of your next project, please use this form and we’ll respond as soon as possible. For urgent enquiries please call us on 07380 414 900.